I know you see us some days, some nights. Your blues, clues to your roots from head to both foots. Through us you’ll remember the most difficult fights and when you shower off what’s on your Heart I will keep your Blood in soothe.

Exposed for a reason, proof I would never treason, so what’s with the moody season, warrior of flesh? Can’t you see we are weaved by the same Artisan? Even if they pierce us, remember we are hallow mesh!

In the darkest night, a bulb to remind you so soon, In the dismal days, your visceral threads of the voracious Moon. The redness of the lips, flowing with the redness of desire, the blossom of the hair, the price for burning in ire.

I remember and shall keep your secrets in the lairs of the Blue Lagoon - The Moon’s secret room, preserved for the faithful as an heirloom. Place this faith upon me and I shall keep it locked so soon, tucked away, but revisited each midday, midnight, a man’s true boon.